Saint Peter Repentant, 1645. Creator: Georges de La Tour (French, 1593-1652).

Saint Peter Repentant, 1645. Creator: Georges de La Tour (French, 1593-1652).

2-739-593 - Heritage Art/Heritage Images

Saint Peter Repentant, 1645. During Jesus’s arrest on the night of the Last Supper, the apostle Peter denied knowing him. Although Christ forgave his betrayal, Peter was consumed by guilt. La Tour represents Peter as an old man, reflecting on his past actions in a state of perpetual repentance. The apostle’s red-rimmed eyes and the uncertain light of the lantern suggest anxious sleepless nights; muted colours and simple forms give visual expression to Peter’s somber emotions. Unlike other artists inspired by Caravaggio, La Tour worked in relative isolation in northeastern France, and his connection to his Italian counterpart remains unclear.

Image Details

  1. Oil on canvas

Picture Type
  1. Painting

Digital Image Size

Pixel Dimensions (W x H) : 4887x6000
File Size : 85,905kb


  1. 1951.454
  1. 128842
  1. 0940012414
  1. 1951.454
  1. 2-739-593
  1. 2739593

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