Landscape, 1856. Creator: Henry White (British, 1819-1903).

Landscape, 1856. Creator: Henry White (British, 1819-1903).

2-733-365 - Heritage Art/Heritage Images

Landscape, 1856. In the 1850s London lawyer Henry White was also recognized as one of Britain's most gifted landscape photographers. His work helped to establish the aesthetic standard for 19th-century British landscape photography. This charming image is an example of his best known work—intimate, lyrical landscapes taken in northern Wales. Here White carefully balanced his desire to faithfully record elaborate details with broad atmospheric effects. As with many of his photographs, this print registers a city-dweller's delight in finding himself in natural surroundings.

Image Details

  1. Albumen print from wet collodion negative

Picture Type
  1. Photograph

Digital Image Size

Pixel Dimensions (W x H) : 5052x3846
File Size : 56,924kb


  1. 1993.162
  1. 157013
  1. 0940022665
  1. 1993.162
  1. 2-733-365
  1. 2733365

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