Valle de las Piramides, Tucume, Lambayeque, Peru, 2015. Creator: Luis Rosendo.

Valle de las Piramides, Tucume, Lambayeque, Peru, 2015. Creator: Luis Rosendo.

2-706-820 - Luis Rosendo/Heritage Images

Valle de las Piramides (Valley of the Pyramids), Tucume. Archeological site located 35km north of Chiclayo, Lambayeque, Peru. Formed by the remains of multiple pyramids or Huacas, on Cerro de la Raya. Sican-La,mbayeque Culture Ceremonial and Administrative Center,(1000-1370 AC) later annexed to the Chimu(1370-1470) and then after the Inca(1470-1532). Prehispanoc cultures.

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  1. Photograph

Digital Image Size

Pixel Dimensions (W x H) : 6048x4032
File Size : 71,442kb


  1. dg37967
  1. 0930000724
  1. 2-706-820
  1. 2706820
  1. dg37967

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