'Old Bleach - Lasting Beauty', 1949. Creator: Unknown.

'Old Bleach - Lasting Beauty', 1949. Creator: Unknown.

2-706-156 - The Print Collector/Heritage Images

'Old Bleach - Lasting Beauty', 1949. From "Decorative Art 1949 - The Studio Year Book", edited by Rathbone Holme and Kathleen M. Frost. [The Studio Publications, London & New York, 1949]

Image Details

People Information

  1. Unknown, attributed to: :
People Related
  1. The Studio Publications: British: Publishers
  2. Rathbone Holmes Kathleen Frost: British: Publisher
  3. Old Bleach Linen Co: British, Irish: Manufacturer

  1. Photograph

Category Hierarchy

Trade & Industry Manufacturing & Heavy Industry

Society & Culture Family Life

Locations & Buildings Other

Digital Image Size

Pixel Dimensions (W x H) : 4026x5274
File Size : 62,207kb


  1. 0580063047
  1. 2-706-156
  1. 2706156

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