Birmingham, Selfridge's, The Bullring, B'ham, 2009. Creator: Ethel Davies.

Birmingham, Selfridge's, The Bullring, B'ham, 2009. Creator: Ethel Davies.

2-697-660 - Then and Now Images/Heritage Images

The iconic landmark building of Selfridge’s department store, built in 2003 and designed by the architectural firm Future Systems, at the Bullring, central Birmingham, West Midlands, England.

Image Details

People Information

  1. Ethel Davies, attributed to: American born British: Photographer

  1. Photograph

Digital Image Size

Pixel Dimensions (W x H) : 3446x5150
File Size : 51,993kb


  1. Birmingham, Selfridge's, The Bullring, B'ham_0011
  1. 0900000151
  1. 2-697-660
  1. 2697660
  1. Birmingham, Selfridge's, The Bullring, B'ham_0011

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