Row of shops with advertising hoardings, Balls Pond Road, Hackney, London, September 1913. Artist: Unknown.

Row of shops with advertising hoardings, Balls Pond Road, Hackney, London, September 1913. Artist: Unknown.

2-624-277 - London Metropolitan Archives (London Picture Archive)/Heritage Images

Row of shops with advertising hoardings, 2-12 Balls Pond Road, Hackney, London, September 1913. Deserted cobbled street with shops including an eel and pie house. Hoardings advertise Camp coffee and other products. Some of the shop fronts are boarded up.

Image Details

People Information

  1. Unknown, attributed to: :

  1. Photograph

Geographic Hierarchy

World Europe United Kingdom England Greater London London Hackney Hackney

  1. 51 32 06 N , 000 03 07 W

Category Hierarchy

Trade & Industry Shops & Markets

Locations & Buildings Other

Society & Culture Wealth & Poverty

Digital Image Size

Pixel Dimensions (W x H) : 3412x2793
File Size : 27,920kb


  1. 64760
  1. SC_PHL_01_109_81_10582
  1. 0220008330
  1. 2-624-277
  1. 2624277
  1. 64760

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