House 8, Bulla Regia, Tunisia. Artist: Samuel Magal

House 8, Bulla Regia, Tunisia. Artist: Samuel Magal

2-376-720 - Samuel Magal/Sites & Photos/Heritage Images

House 8, Bulla Regia, Tunisia. Bulla Regia is an archaeological site in northwestern Tunisia, a former Roman city near modern Jendouba. It is noted for its Hadrianic-era semi-subterranean housing, a protection from the fierce heat and effects of the sun.

Image Details

People Information

  1. Samuel Magal, attributed to: : Photographer, head researcher and archivist of Sites and Photos

  1. Photograph

Geographic Hierarchy

World Europe Greece

  1. 39 00 00 N , 022 00 00 E

World Africa

  1. 02 23 00 N , 016 04 00 E

World Africa Tunisia

  1. 34 00 00 N , 009 00 00 E

Digital Image Size

Pixel Dimensions (W x H) : 5129x3419
File Size : 51,376kb


  1. R70010238
  1. 0740000198
  1. 2-376-720
  1. 2376720
  1. R70010238

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