Lord Carnavon's first visit to the Valley of the Kings, Egypt, 1922. Artist: Harry Burton

Lord Carnavon's first visit to the Valley of the Kings, Egypt, 1922. Artist: Harry Burton

1-632-672 - Historica Graphica Collection/Heritage Images

Lord Carnavon's first visit to the Valley of the Kings, Egypt, 1923. Lord Carnavon (1866-1923) and a party in a motor car. Carnarvon was archaeologist Howard Carter's financial backer in his excavations in the Valley of the Kings. The discovery of Tutankhamun's tomb in 1922 was one of the most astounding discoveries in archaeology. Tutankhamun was a previously unknown pharaoh whose name had been eradicated from historical records by one of his successors because of his association with the heretical pharaoh Akhenaten, who was Tutankhamun's father-in-law. Consequently his tomb, uniquely, had remained undisturbed by grave robbers.

Image Details

People Information

  1. Harry Burton, attributed to: British: Egyptologist, photographer
  1. Lord Carnarvon: British: aristocrat, egyptologist
People Related
  1. Tutankhamun: Egyptian: King, pharaoh
  2. Howard Carter: British: Archaeologist, Egyptologist

  1. Photograph

Geographic Hierarchy

World Africa Egypt Al Uqşur Luxor

  1. 25 41 47 N , 032 38 45 E

World Africa Egypt Qinā Karnak

  1. 25 42 55 N , 032 39 09 E

World Africa Egypt Qinā Thebes

  1. 25 42 00 N , 032 41 00 E

Category Hierarchy

Lifestyle & Leisure Transport & Travel

People Famous People

Locations & Buildings Archaeological Sites

Society & Culture Death & Burial

Science & Nature Discovery & Exploration

Digital Image Size

Pixel Dimensions (W x H) : 4751x3736
File Size : 52,002kb


  1. 160065
  1. 0600000303
  1. 1-632-672
  1. 160065
  1. 1632672

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