'Philae, Egypt', 19th century. Artist: Robert Dighton

'Philae, Egypt', 19th century. Artist: Robert Dighton

1-276-984 - Art Media/Heritage Images

'Philae, Egypt', 19th century. Found in the collection of the Victoria and Albert Museum, London.

Image Details

People Information

  1. Robert Dighton, attributed to: British: Artist, publisher, printer, caricaturist, actor, author, printmaker, painter, draughtsman

  1. Watercolour

Picture Type
  1. Landscape

Geographic Hierarchy

World Africa Egypt Aswān Philae

  1. 24 02 00 N , 032 59 00 E

World Africa Egypt

  1. 27 00 00 N , 030 00 00 E

Category Hierarchy

Locations & Buildings Archaeological Sites

Artistic Representations Panoramas

Locations & Buildings Other

Locations & Buildings Monuments & Statues

Digital Image Size

Pixel Dimensions (W x H) : 5074x3448
File Size : 51,256kb


  1. C211140
  1. 0510005427
  1. 1-276-984
  1. 1276984

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