'One People, One Empire, One Leader', 13 March 1938. Artist: Unknown

'One People, One Empire, One Leader', 13 March 1938. Artist: Unknown

1-276-295 - Art Media/Heritage Images

'One People, One Empire, One Leader', 13 March 1938. Propaganda poster celebrating the Anschluss, the annexation of Austria by Nazi Germany that took place on 12 March 1938.

Image Details

People Information

  1. Unknown, attributed to: :
  1. Adolf Hitler: Austrian: Political and military leader of Germany

  1. Lithograph

Geographic Hierarchy

World Europe Austria

  1. 47 20 00 N , 013 20 00 E

World Europe Germany

  1. 51 30 00 N , 010 30 00 E

Category Hierarchy

History & Politics War & Military Wars, Battles & Events

People Famous People

Artistic Representations Portraits

History & Politics Politics Politicians

Digital Image Size

Pixel Dimensions (W x H) : 3594x4889
File Size : 51,478kb


  1. C201963
  1. 0510004737
  1. 1-276-295
  1. 1276295

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