'Venus and Adonis', c1630. Artist: Peter Paul Rubens

'Venus and Adonis', c1630. Artist: Peter Paul Rubens

1-274-757 - Art Media/Heritage Images

'Venus and Adonis', c1630. Rubens was a devout Roman Catholic, yet his paintings while religious in theme were not influenced by the dogma of his era.

Image Details

People Information

  1. Peter Paul Rubens, attributed to: Flemish; Dutch: Artist, painter, draftsman

  1. Oil

Category Hierarchy

Religion & Belief Mythology

Society & Culture Romance & Love

Society & Culture Art & Literature

Digital Image Size

Pixel Dimensions (W x H) : 4757x3676
File Size : 51,231kb


  1. C211800
  1. 0510002461
  1. 1-274-757
  1. 1274757

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