Eltham Palace, London, 1999. Artist: J Richards

Eltham Palace, London, 1999. Artist: J Richards

1-231-368 - Historic England/Heritage Images

Eltham Palace, London. Eltham Palace was founded as a medieval royal palace, and its ruins were converted into a private house in the 1930s. The new house, designed by Seely and Paget, is viewed here from the dry moat in the gardens.

Image Details

People Information

  1. J Richards, attributed to: (British?): Photographer
People Related
  1. Seely & Paget: British: Architects

  1. Photograph

Geographic Hierarchy

World Europe United Kingdom England Greater London London Greenwich Eltham

  1. 51 27 00 N , 000 03 00 E

Category Hierarchy

Science & Nature Plant Life

Locations & Buildings Palaces & Stately Homes

Locations & Buildings Parks & Gardens

Digital Image Size

Pixel Dimensions (W x H) : 3735x4672
File Size : 51,123kb


  1. K990450
  1. 0250001025
  1. 1-231-368
  1. 1025
  1. 1231368
  1. A3
  1. K990450

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