Collecting firewood, Siege of Paris, Franco-Prussian War, 1870 (1871). Artist: Auguste Bry

Collecting firewood, Siege of Paris, Franco-Prussian War, 1870 (1871). Artist: Auguste Bry

1-154-225 - Art Media-Private Collection/Heritage Images

Collecting firewood, Siege of Paris, Franco-Prussian War, 1870 (1871). After the disastrous defeat of the French at Sedan and the capture of Napoleon III, the Prussians surrounded Paris on 9 September 1870. The city held out despite famine, disease and cold until a bombardment with heavy siege guns led to its surrender on 28 January 1871. From a private collection.

Image Details

People Information

  1. Auguste Bry, attributed to: French: Artist, printmaker
  1. Clement-Auguste Andrieux: French: Artist, painter

Category Hierarchy

History & Politics War & Military Wars, Battles & Events

People Other

Society & Culture Wealth & Poverty

History & Politics War & Military Wartime

Digital Image Size

Pixel Dimensions (W x H) : 4513x3872
File Size : 51,195kb


  1. C214791.tif
  1. 0510001225
  1. 1-154-225
  1. 1154225
  1. 1225
  1. C214791.tif

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