2012 Olympics - Gallery

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Ancient Olympic Games: the relay race, 1922. Artist: Unknown
Olympic stadium, Athens, 1906, (1936). Artist: Unknown
Jesse Owens at the start of the 200 metres at the Berlin Olympic Games, 1936. Artist: Unknown
Berlin Olympics, 1936. Artist: Unknown
Jesse Owens at the end of the 100m at the Berlin Olympic Games, 1936. Artist: Unknown
Poster for the 1936 Winter Olympic Games in Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany, 1936.Artist: Ludwig Hohlwein
Yoshinori Sakai lights the Olympic cauldron, Summer Olympic Games, Tokyo, 1964. Artist: Unknown
Anita Lonsbrough (b1941), British Olympic Gold Medal-winning swimmer, Tokyo, Japan, 1964. Artist: Unknown
Dick Fosbury (b1947) performing his famous 'fosbury flop' during the Mexico Olympics, 1968. Artist: Unknown
Kip Keino (1940) winning the 1500 metres at the Mexico Olympics, 1968. Artist: Unknown
Emil Zátopek (1922-2000) at the Munich Olympics, 1972. Artist: Unknown
Harold Abrahams winning gold at the Olympic Games, Paris, 1924. Artist: Unknown
The Olympic flame outside the Catalonia Palace, Barcelona, Spain. Artist: Unknown
The Olympic flame entering the Olympic Stadium, Tokyo, 10 October 1964. Artist: Unknown
Olympic Stadium, Athens. Artist: Unknown
'A Foot Race at the Olympian Games', Ancient Greece. Artist: Archibald Webb
Dorando Pietri finishing the first modern Olympic marathon, London, 1908. Artist: Unknown
Poster for the 1936 Olympic Games, Berlin, 1936. Artist: Unknown
Hans Heinrich Sievert, German athlete, 1936. Artist: Unknown
The finish of the marathon, Olympic Games, London, 1908, (c1920). Artist: Unknown
Alphonse Kirchoffer, French fencer, 1904. Artist: Unknown
Official magazine of the Berlin Olympic Games, 1936. Artist: Unknown
British Diver, Summer Olympics, Berlin, Germany, 1936.  Artist: Unknown
View of the first modern Olympic Games in Athens, 1896. Artist: Unknown
Paul Masson, winner of a cycling event at the Olympic Games, Athens, 1896. Artist: Unknown
Emil Zátopek, (1922-2000), Czech athlete. Artist: Unknown
The Temple of Hera at Olympia, Greece. Artist: Samuel Magal